Pharmaceutical companies are making a great contribution to the UK economy, higher than most other high-tech industries. The pharmaceutical sector's relative importance becomes even more obvious when considering productivity, measured as Gross Value Added (GVA).
The research-based pharmaceutical industry plays a unique role in developing new medicines and vaccines to prevent and treat diseases, and improve the lives of patients worldwide. Its key contribution to global health is turning fundamental research into innovative treatments. Industry's success rests on continuous innovation – for the prevention and treatment of common, complex, and neglected diseases, and for improvements in existing treatments. Despite often challenging business and regulatory conditions, the industry undertakes investments that are considerably more risky than those in most high-technology sectors. By investing billions of dollars and thousands of scientist-hours, it pushes the limits of science, fosters medical progress, and contributes to the prosperity of society. A robust healthcare system is an important pillar of every country's socio-economic development process, and sound policies for the pharmaceuticals sector are a fundamental condition for health systems to perform well56. Health systems are complex mechanisms through which health products, services, and care are delivered to patients. Their success requires joint effort and collaboration between all the key health actors. As such, the research-based pharmaceutical industry plays an essential role
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