Power & Utilities
Energy is a matter of constant power

Over the last five years, the EU power sector has been hit by a "perfect storm" of macroeconomic and industry-specific factors that have led to overcapacity and low prices. As a result, the region's large publicly traded utilities have, on average, lost half of their market capitalization since 2008, destroying around EUR 500 billion of shareholder value.

Industry's contribution to the UK economy illustrates its contribution so far in moving the country towards a low carbon future and outlines the challenges ahead in transforming heating, transport and moving to a smart energy system. Government commitments to reduce emissions are occurring against a backdrop of economic crisis across Europe.

The global power market is being driven by the need for secure, affordable and renewable energy sources. This has presented an upsurge in demand for high quality professional consulting services. We are able to provide the breadth and depth of skills that are necessary to meet the needs of the power sector. Our well proven strategy of offering the wider services wrapped around our core power sector capability is all-encompassing. Digital technology and renewable energy generation are transforming the power and utilities sector

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